2007 |
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T H E S T A R L I N K - I R C N E T W O R K ircu version 2.9.32 IRC Daemon up since 1 JAN 97 PORTS : 6663 through 6669 and 7001 ADMINISTRATORS and OPERATORS: See Our Server Pages We ask that you be polite to your fellow users and have FUN chatting!! StarLink-IRC is a family-friendly network that operates under two main rules: Rule 1 - Do not annoy othersASSISTANCE AND INFORMATION Web Site Pages o Network Home Page: http://www.starlink-irc.org#Channels: Channel Registration and General Network Assistance #TerraNova: Operator/Admin Assistance #Newbies: For those new to IRC? #International : For non-english speakers. NETWORK SERVICES Chanserv - CStar is our channel service Operserv - DeathStar is our uworld operator service Nickserv - NONE. We do not support nick registration Memoserv - NONE. We do not currently have a memo service. BOT/CLONE POLICY CStar provides channel users with all services necessary to operate a channel. However, if you want to run a persistent automated program (bot) in support of a specific channel (i.e. a gamebot) here are the rules: Client Bot Policy (mIRC scripts, etc.) - Users are allowed up to two simultaneous connections per person. - Be careful connecting, if you generate more than 4 connections, even temporarily, you may get blocked from the net without warning. Any Bot running 24/7 (or substantial portion thereof) - Must be owned or controlled by the owner of a registered channel. - Must always be in one responsible (registered) channel and - Must not be in more than ONE unregistered channel for an extended time. - Have permission from the admin of EACH server it will connect to. PROHIBITIONS Any activity that is malicious, abusive, or in violation of network policy may result in being banned from the network and/or notification of appropriate organizations and authorities. Such activities include but are not limited to:
BANS Legitimate channel bans do not require a
reason or justification.
Evading one can result in your being banned from the entire network. BAN EVASION IS ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED !! |