Itsy's Anti-Flood Routine 

Updated 4 Feb 01 for mIRC 5.8 compatiblity!
If you are using mIRC, here is some handy information to protect yourself from DCC floods while on IRC. This has one advantage over the built-in antiflood - you will get a notice in the status window identifying WHO is attempting to DCC flood you.
Make sure that LISTENING is checked ON in Remote.Commands.

Put these lines in Remote.Commands:

#SAFE start
ctcp 1:version:/ignore -pcntiku10 *!*@ $+ $site
ctcp 1:ping:/ignore -pcntiku10 *!*@ $+ $site
ctcp 1:dcc:/ignore -pcntiku10 *!*@ $+ $site
ctcp 1:sound:/ignore -pcntiku10 *!*@ $+ $site
ctcp 1:*:!
#SAFE end

Put these 5 lines in Aliases:

/safe {
if ( $1 = off ) { /.disable #Safe }
if ( $1 = on ) { /.enable #Safe | /flood 2 10 30 | /ctcps ON }
//echo Safe is $group(#Safe) AntiFlood Protection Remote - Set Safe ON\OFF

To use them, type /SAFE ON or /SAFE OFF to enable or disable DCC flood protection.

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