01 JAN 2007



StarLink-IRC was born on January 1, 1997 at 11:55 PM EST when Rochester.MI* connected to Washington.DC.* along with the CStar and Uworld services.

Since then, there have been a number of interesting images posted on the web site or in our newsletter.
Here's a sampling of the better ones...

Our very first staff photo - provided by g-force

Kittykids at SL-IRC

One year, Amazing deocrated a Christmas tree and gave out the picture. (Silly, eh?)
It looked sort of familiar - then - there it was - a Cookie Monster tree !!
True art.

Cookie monster Christmas Tree

There's a story that involves Ellegon and a truck ride with incendiary results .. to say the least

Dragon, truck and fire

NOLady one evening reported being awakened by a GIANT GECKO in the bedroom
.. a virtual Godzilla of lizarddom...

However, as reported by other witnesses, we have an actual size photo ....
Gecko - actual size

This was just too good too miss.
You'd really think that Air Canada would know that pengins live at the OTHER pole.

Air Canada penguin

Not to be outdone, Excited brings us the adventures of the infamous Oyster Meringue Pie,
a delicacy of the Sunday morning #Townhall brekky buffet

Oyster Meringue Pie

Click for more Pie adventures. 

We're sure there will be more exciting images as time goes by ..
Stay tuned to the newsletter for updates!

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