Session Start: Sun Sep 25 21:00 2005
Session Ident: #TownHall
<NOLady> Itsy would you like to get us started?
<Itsy> anyway...
I have known tree since we met on undernet .. back in 1996
and she was always true to what she believed in first and foremost
and one of those things was this network ..
I got to see her breathe life into this place
and to use it for her own good deeds here and there
and i will also say .. tree could be SO annoying sometimes....
and stubborn
and aggravating
but also very honest to things she believed in
but she could and did compromise to get things done as well
she'd hate to be called a politician .. but she was good with
people.. as many of you know
my memories of her will always include the adventures with
amazing in vancouver
the power windows
her instant pot roast .. which only took an hour...
and mowing the forest in her back yard
.. a lovely person who cared for a lot of us probably more than
we know
she will be deeply missed .. but...
when you look around the net here for years to come.. you will
hear footsteps here and there just around the corner
that would be tree.. just out of sight
i'll miss her very very much
<Itsy> -
* Itsy turns the floor to Amazing
<Amazing> thank you Itsy..
first...i'd like to share an email that was sent from CANADopt..
An email was sent to the members of CANADopt regarding tree's
<Amazing> scorp is a member of CANADopt and has given me
permission to post this email.
Greetings, members of CANADopt
It is with heavy hearts that the CANADopt Planning Committee
(CPC), those of us who deal with the administrative functions of
are writing to inform you all that Wilna Wellenbrink of Williams
Lake passed away late last week quite unexpectedly.
Wilna was member #13, which means that she was one of the
earliest people to join CANADopt, even before we had that name.
I personally sent out a message to a few lists back in the winter
of 1995/1996 where things dealt mostly with American adoption issues.
I was simply asking if there were other Canucks out there who
wanted to share information.
Wilna responded as did others, but where others joined on for the
Wilna set herself apart almost immediately by becoming involved
in the explosive growth of our little email list.
She quickly became a personal friend on whom I, along with many
others, relied for sound judgement, good humour, and hours of tireless
When we realized our collective dream of having a website and a
mail server with Nebula Internet Services in Burlington, ON back in
July, 1996,
Wilna was a key contributor to the many public pages of
information that are available to this day at CANADopt.ca.
Her computer savvy to young bucks like me was warmly welcomed in
the days when Windows 3.1 was new and MSN Messenger had yet to be
Wilna also dedicated her time to answering questions from new and
old members, as well as hosting the chat room, dealing with
new member applications as well as the growth of the
organization, helping get the rest of the website up and running,
and generally being a very happy and cheery person who kept all
of the hard work going amongst us all while keeping a smile on her
face, and consequently ours.
Wilna had a son who died a few years ago and leaves behind a
daughter and son-in-law from Oshawa and a sister from Courtenay,
and countless friends made partly through CANADopt and partly
through her other online passion, a chatroom called #crittercat
(those of you who knew her may have known her better as Treecat).
If you ever had the chance to chat with Wil during a chat room
session or via email, or were lucky enough to share her phone number
and speak in person,
then you have a smile on your face now as you remember a warmth
and caring coupled with a no-nonsense attitude that kept everything
very clear and very light.
She was an easy friend and a loyal one too.
For my part, and on behalf of everyone in the CPC past and
present (Nancy, Mig, Maggy, Tom, Joan, Monique),
I would like to bid a sad goodbye to a very good friend and a
fine example of the spirit that has shaped the CANADopt community into
one of selfless dedication to the plights of others.
Wil, when these words reach you via whatever chatroom you will
undoubtedly set up next, know that you are keenly missed, and warmly
thought of.
Goodbye, Treecat, old friend - you made many of us happier for
the time you gave of yourself and for that, we thank you.
With a heavy heart, but still (for Wil), Cheers
<Amazing> now i'd like to say a few words...
First thing I'd like to say are some thank yous and to give a few
people on here some great big hugs.
Thank you and *hugs* to Makk for being in msg with me all Thurs.
morning and waiting on word about tree
Thank you and *hugs* to chiefy for also being in msg with me that
Thank you and *hugs* to andrew for responding so quickly and
getting me McQuack's phone number
A SPECIAL thank you and big *hugs* to McQuack for all that he did
when he knew of my concern about tree.
There are no words that could ever express my gratitude to
him and his wife.
He wrote a wonderful article in the newspaper which can be seen at www.starlink-irc.org/treecat
Thank you and *hugs* to scorp for being there when I called her and asked if she'd go to Williams Lake with me,
and without even pausing she replied 'of course!'
Thank you and big *hugs* to Itsy for doing such a wonderful job on the Memorial page for tree.
It truly is beautiful :)
tree and I were friends both online and offline for many years.
We shared a lot of laughs and a lot of tears together during that time...
laughs about our cats, laughs about me getting speeding tickets going to or from her home,
laughs about her setting off the alarms in Costco when she was looking at a laptop there,
laughs about the bear on her porch,
laughs about her playing with the power windows in my vehicle.
She didn't have power windows in her vehicle at that time but
didn't take her long to trade her vehicle in on a newer one that did
...tears shared when my parents passed away and her and scorp
went to my parents graveside with me and cried
...tears shared when tree's parents passed away
...tears shared when tree's son passed away...and tears shared
when her precious cat (treecat) passed away.
Lots of memories..memories of her coming here and going to the
Lynden Fair to see the Statler Brothers
...memories of us going to the Ice Capades..memories of the
shopping trips in Prince George
and meeting Fran/Breeze there for dinner
...we thought for sure the waitresses were going to kick us all
out of the restaurant.. hehe
The time she was here and wanted to re-heat a cup of coffee in
the micro-wave and instead of timing it for 60 seconds she timed it for
60 minutes.
She then came back to do something on the computer while the
coffee was re-heating and forgot all about it.
What a mess it made!!
Took tree almost an hour to clean the mess up and I had to
promise I wouldn't mention it to Itsy
or he'd put something about that incident in the follies..hehe
So many memories...and really not enough time right now to share
them all
...the story about her cat punkin bringing a live bird into the
...the story of the snake in the house...
tree opened a msg window with me almost every night
...she would connect and then msg me with a ' hiya :) '
then ask me how the weather was here on the coast and every night
when we logged off we would give each other a teddy bear hug.
I now wait for that msg window to open...it doesn't :(
I'm truly going to miss you dear friend :(
. {~._.~}
. .( Y ) .***** Amazing gives
. ()*() * ¨¨°º©[ treecat
. (_)-(_) **** a Teddy Bear Hug!
<NOLady> i think i'm meant to go next here
<NOLady> and i think i'm just too heartbroken to say too much
tree was such a dear, big hearted lady
her work here in #SurvivingGrief touched hearts very deeply
watching her in action was really something
so i know
she is comforting me now, us now
in our grief
tree always stayed here later than i
and every night as i left, she and i would say "see you tomorrow"
to one another...
when we were without power for five days after katrina and came
she made certain to say TOMORROW
cuz she'd been so worried
she kept telling me to spend some time crying after the ordeal of
let it out, cry
and she said when you do... contemplate me patting you on the back
she brought comfort like that to so many of us
SO often
because that's the kind of heart she has
has, present tense
because her heart lives on in each one of us she touched
we are so blessed to have had her in our lives
she taught so many of us SO much
particularly those of us who are not computer savvy
this is just very hard
i'll let someone else take a turn now
<Makk> treecat .. so many words come to mind .. friend,
confidant, teacher
often late at night we'd talk of various things, her wisdom
helped me see things in a better way many times
she, along with others, was BIG support when my dad died
always encouraging
even if we didn't quite agree, we found mutual area to compromise
often when folks join #channels for help with masks and such..
it's from lessons learned from tree and others that i can help you all
i've dearly missed my friend this past several days
as have many of you
she'll always be with us.. a part of who she was rubs off on
I've probably lots could say, my mind is blanking.. all i know
for sure is.. i miss my friend.
someone else may speak.. i've not words to further express my
sorrow at loosing such a good friend.
one thing
excited asked me to mention..
her words are in the form of her graphic found on the slirc
memorial page
very well said, on that graphic, twas who tree was to us all.
<chiefy> your going to hear lots of things about treecat
tonight///she was very much a part of this network, there were times
she and I didn't see eye to eye, but there was a time "just when I
neded her most"she was there for me...
a couple years ago november 13th I lost my grand daughter
it was a horrible night, I watched my son go through something
that I could never imagine
being a police officer I've always had a rough exterior ut this
cut through that like a hot knife through butter
that night very late I came home and after everyone was asleep I
needed someone to talk with
I came on the net and there was treecat just like always ..I
messaged her..told her what happened and she was horrified
she sat up with me that night
until after dawn here
we talked about a lot of things...
she helped me deal with my grief, she told me to tell my son this
was one thing that dad just couldn't fix...
she was right
not many here know about this story because it was something
special to me ..that happened with someone who really cared about
people here and in her town
this past week I tried to use the lessons learned from treecat that
horrible night....and be there for my dear friends Amazing Itsy NOLady
McQuack Makk and so many others...because I know that trecat would have
expected that of me...I will miss her but I will never ever forget
her...God Bless you tree....
<willco> <willco> Goodnight my friend, you have a good one,
rest well and stay well, i will see you tomorrow, thank you again :))
<treecat> niters will :) hugs :)))
<treecat> have a very good nite and day tomorrow, my friend -
keep well and stay well - will see you tomorrow and thanks you :))
<willco> niters :))) hugs :)
<willco> see you tomorrow :)))
<treecat> see you tomorrow :)))
* treecat *poof* :)
Session Close:
<willco> There is tons i could say about tree but not being very
good at espressing my feelings,
i will make this short
I have been fortunate enough to have known tree quite a few years
we had a number of servers together over the years and i will be
the first to admit
that tree was the moving force with all of them but she was
teaching in her way all the time
we were online.
most of all tree was my friend both online and in our personal
lives and i will miss her very much.
that goodnight was supposed to come last but was another "duh"
thats all i have
<Wullie> thanks NOL
treecat was a benevolent force behind the family spirit of slirc
I know that her spirit will help us keep the net as she saw it,
in the years to come
goodbye dear treecat, you will be missed by many here, but heaven
has gained a bright star.
<andrew> well
It's hard to know what to say. When I heard the news my
mind just stopped. I was on the phone with Amazing and I couldn't
even put simple sentences together. I just stammered about...and
I've tried to prepare ahead but I don't think you can ever prepare to
say everything you feel.
I've known treecat for as long as I can remember.
She was there when I got my drivers license, graduated from high
school and then University, and all throughout my search for employment.
She always insisted that I call her immediately after each
interview and let her know how it went and again when I heard the
decision. She would get so excited at each opportunity that she
said she just couldn't stand to wait any longer to hear than she had
to. That was tree - she cared so deeply about all of us and
remembered everything. Even though we were miles apart, she remembered
every detail about me when my own parents can't
even keep track of what I do for a living or even what field I'm
in. She helped me get through some tough times with her endless
encouragement and positive thoughts.
Treecat was a good friend and I miss her very much. Her
thoughts and non-nonsense positive attitude will always be with me.
I want to thank Amazing for her dedication to treecat - I know it
was extremely difficult for her and scorp to make the trip to Williams
Lake but I know that it would have meant so much to tree. I also
want to thank McQuack for everything he did as well and also for
adopting treecat's Punkin, her precious cat.
And also to everyone on here for all the extra online hugs.
<wildchild> When I came to SLIRC I was a newbie at being an IRCOP
and watched what others did.
I had never been a IRCOP anywhere
I was on mostly days and didnt get to really talk to tree then
But i was on with sinbad and bus and HighWayMan and they taught
me bad habits and how to be a Brat . but tree love her heart
she would tell tell me .. you can't do that . at first she scared
the day lights out of me
but i got to know the person and she taught me alot
and we became very good close friends
specially the last few months i was getting on early and she was
still here
and we would talk till she would go to bed
I will miss her dearly and my early mornings are just not the
same with out here here
rest well my friend tree *HUGS*
<BEING> Aloha treecat
I'll miss my friend of many years
A few of us would set up late at night with treecat
She was very helpful and true
Thenk you all for being here for treecat
<Viminalis> In the cultural tradition of my country I give this
Ka tangi te tui
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei Mauri Ora!
Nga mihi ke te Atua.
E nga manuhiri, tena koutou.
E nga mate, haere, haere, haere.
Te hunga mate ki te hunga mate. Te hunga ora ki te hunga ora.
Tena koutou kia koutou kua tae mai nei ke te tautoko te kaupapa o
tenei ra.
Kua ngaro atu toku. Whaea ki te po roa, ki te po e aue tona moe.
Haere e whaea ki te kaihanga o matou.
Hoki atu ki to tatou Kauhanga i te rangi. Haere, haere, haere atu
No reira: tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatu katoa.
The tui bird sings
The parrot calls
Now I speak
Behold there is Life!
An acknowledgement to the creator
Welcome to those who are attending today
To treecat farewell farewell farewell.
Go to the creator, to the home reserved for us
Greetings to the chatters and those who have come to honor our
I first met treecat when I was new to this network.
It was not long after she lost her own treecat
Punkin was young and she would send me pics of papershredding
antics and the like.
When most other US and Canada folks were asleep, treecat was here.
So in my evenings here in New Zealand treecat was company.
I saw her be hard as nails dealing with some people and issues,
I saw her and experienced her great gentleness and understanding.
Periodically I had been in #SurvivingGrief and was impressed with
the work there.
treecat mentioned that a website for folks that would help
chatters and also direct bereft persons to the channel might be
nice. I thought it was a wonderful idea. I quizzed Makk and
NOLady for some ideas and surprised treecat with the gift of the site
that number of you have visited over the past week. Now as a gift and
tribute the site is dedicated to her memory.
~ This site is dedicated to the memory of Treecat ~
Gone from this world but not forgotten.
treecat we love you.
<scorp> Well tree, even though we have met and socialized in
person many times, we both had a problem calling each other by our
given names
It was always tree and scorp
That is what Starkink-IRC does to people. I will always be
grateful that this mode of communication was invented as we would never
have met otherwise
I will miss you terribly and every time I pass through Williams
Lake I will look up on the hill and wave and say “I miss you tree”
Niters my friend
<McQuack> All of you people have been wonderful to Treecat!
She had a great family in all of you.
A number of her local friends became worried about Treecat
sitting alone, after she retired, typing on the computer
Had they only know, that both the quantity and the quality of her
friends had improved ten-fold.
That truth struck me at Tree's memorial service...
...Three IRC chatters and travelled great distance to be with
their dearly departed buddy... that was the exact number of family
members who were present.
The other 40 or so people were local friends, former co-workers
and past and present elected officials.
Treecat had a second chance at a family.... you people! I thing
she did very, very well!! Over and out!
<`Fluffy> Oh boy, where to start
ok :)
Unlike many of you, I only met up with Treecat about a year ago
We had a lot of ground to cover in a short time
I haunt the halls of 30+Kickin`Back in the wee, wee hours of the
morning (MDT) so I "found" Treecat a kindred spirit immediately.
During the last few months, we spent most of every night chatting about
anything and everything.
I haunt the halls of 30+Kickin`Back in the wee, wee hours of the
morning (MDT) so I "found" Treecat a kindred spirit immediately.
During the last few months, we spent most of every night chatting about
anything and everything.
The thing about Treecat was, she just "GOT IT".
Robin Williams once coined a phrase that stuck in my mind and it
certainly applied to her.
"The lights are on and EVERYBODY'S home!"
Her intuitive abilities to hone in on a personality or a
situation was really uncanny.
I haunt the halls of 30+Kickin`Back in the wee, wee hours of the
morning (MDT) so I "found" Treecat a kindred spirit immediately.
During the last few months, we spent most of every night chatting about
anything and everything.
Oops, sorry, wrong paste
I came to appreciate and delight in her very quick wit and her
unfailing kindness to people, particularly techno-ignorami like me.
In late June, I had to leave suddenly for Louisiana when called
to handle the imminent death of my youngest uncle with whom my Mother
lived. In addition to talking me through the last days of my
uncle's life,
Treecat also helped me support my Mom in HER grief. It fell
to me to make the final arrangements
And to get the house ready for sale and move my Mom to New Mexico
with us.
Treecat talked me through MANY practical, legal and emotional
matters in those wee hours of the night
But perhaps the thing that was MOST valuable, was that she helped
me feel "at home" when I was SO far away from home for so long.
It's not without some tragic irony that Treecat and I spent some
time talking of our OWN deaths and our wishes
She told me she thought funerals were morbid and that she never
wanted one. That she wanted to be cremated
I wish now that I had logged that conversation.
She was an unfailing friend and I just loved her to pieces and
looked forward to every night
I still look for her nick every night, as I'm sure many of you
do, and it takes us aback a minute to realize her spirit is still here.
She was SO impressed by so many of you and GENUINELY loved so
many of you. I feel so blessed to have known her, even for a
little while.
My last conversation with her was Tuesday night, before "the
Thursday". I had sent her a get well card.
She viewed it at 9:22 am PDT on Wednesday.
We are so lucky.
I'm done and thank you for your patience.
<alicat> Itsy, I didn't really know treecat, but knew her name,
thus wanting to be here....no comments...just know I hurt with all of u
and support u.
<LindyM> I knew I would be quiet so I did an auto text.. but I
wanted to say something first
I have heard many say, "I didn't know treecat"
I wish you had but I can assure you, though, I did know her, but
not as well as others here
I have gotten to know her better in the past week
just drop in #crittercat... she's there... the love that I hear
from those that were with her there... it's amazing
treecat was one that saw everything... and picked up on the
smallest comment
once in Itsy's channel, I mentioned maybe moving to AZ... that
was it
next day, I had an email from a regular chatter of Treecat's...
and he was ready to help in anyway he could to get info Will and I
that's family and that is treecat
I decided to share something called
I altered the original to describe Treecat as I see her
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
To some people,
Treecat was in their lives for "A REASON"
She was there to meet a need they expressed;
to assist through a difficulty,
to provide guidance and support,
to aid physically, emotionally, or spiritually...
To them, she was a godsend.
After a short time,
they would part.
The need had been met,
her work was done.
Now was the time for them to move on...
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
For other people,
Treecat was in their lives for "A SEASON"
They had come to share, grow, or learn.
She brought to them an experience of peace,
or made them laugh...
She taught them something
that they had never done.
She gave to them
an unbelievable amount of joy.
It was real but
it is only for "A SEASON"...
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
For most of us,
Treecat was in our lives for
"A LIFETIME Relationship"
She was here for A REASON, A SEASON
but more than that,
she was here for "A LIFETIME"
She was here to teach us lifetime lessons...
Things we must build upon in order to have
a solid emotional foundation...
Our job was to accept the lesson, to love others,
to put what we have learned to use
in all other relationships
and areas of our life...
It is said that love is blind but
friendship is clairvoyant...
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
Eleanor Roosevelt said:
Many people will walk in and out of your life but
only true friends will leave footprints in your heart...
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
Forever and always, Treecat will be here with us...
Thank you, Treecat, for being a part of my life!
..........=^.^= =^.^=..........
<Spongebob> Cat and I had known each other for many many
years. I came to her chatroom and stuck with her since.
I was known to her as Plucky eventhough I changed my nick to
I used to come in and say hi to her but she'd be away or helping
So, I pretended to speak to myself. Who would have known
that the idea had make her to watch out for me
and be the first to say hi to me. It was our greeting custom
*** Spongebob has joined #Crittercat.
treecat: cha cha cha
Spongebob: cha cha cha
Spongebob: how r u?
Spongebob: fine thanks
treecat: hiya plucky :)
Spongebob: thanks
Spongebob: welcome
Spongebob: any time
Spongebob: yes yes yes
treecat: i'm fine too thanks
damien ponders over this strange custom
Early of this year 2 best things happened to my life. Then
in May, Jman left me and now treecat.
I was wondering
if they suppose to be bad thing or good thing?
I'd like to think it is bad BUT I don't think both Jman and
treecat would agree with me.
They are now in a place where computer and internet are free and
Thanks Treecat for all your help and support. Your Plucky!
* treecat lives in Williams Lake B.C. * Canada *
Thanks everyone :) God bless
<riverdew34> I didn't really know treecat that well, but I know
everyone who knew her said she was special. I can only imagine how
wonderful she was. I will miss seeing her in the places we have all
come accustomed to seeing her. My heartfelt prayers are with you all..
For as little as I knew her, I know she is here will us all watching
over us and taking notes for the time we all meet again.
<Sandy-> i met treecat when i came to this net, and we clicked, i
think to be honest that i wasnt the only one to think that
when it came time for me to set up my own channel, i dicussed it
with treecat, she was the first supporter on my email list of 7
then she actually named my channel, we were kicking names around
and, as usual, treecar was spot on
she used to come into the channel late at night and we would sit
and talk, this was before her channel needed all her attention
when i was having a bad chemo day, or just a plain BAD day,
treecat would help me see the light
id like to say bye to treecat on behalf of the folks in my channel
and id like to say - bye treecat hon *hugs*, i hope to be
chatting with you again some day
<InSaNiTyIG> treecat was an amazing person for the time i knew
her. she stopped at nothing to help my channel and channel aqaintences,
and will never be forgotten. deeply saddened by her loss and hope that
her memory will still live on.
<Momma> plz forgive me if I mess up guys
I have had a couple of wobbly pops....I dont deal with loss
well.....even with all of Treecat's time and efforts to help me
hi....anyone who knows me knows that I am not one to have
nothing to say....lord knows I can spew off at any time....
but....back in 2003 I was a virtual mess....words didnt come
easy, and the grief I was dealing with was probably the hardest I have
ever had to deal with....
I knew Treecat up until that time as an IRC OP...but nothing more
she was always there to help me with a channel problem....
but when I lost my dear brother, the one person in the world who
knew me better then I knew myself, I was devistated!
ok I spelled that wrong and I KNOW it....tree would correct me
my world had crashed down around my ears....and I was unable to
function in daily life....run my store or even deal with chatters.....
I wrote an article in my newsletter about Billy....it came from
the heart...
Amazing gave this article to Treecat after asking me if it was
TreeCat messaged me in private...and we talked for HOURS....she
told me that she was still having a hard time dealing with the loss of
her dear son.....
both of us questioned the whys and wherefores of these senceless
deaths....and in time....due to our mutual losses and love for the
persons so close to us... Tree and I became friends.
while I can say I was helped by Treecat's sympathies and
understanding, I can only pray that I also helped her deal with her
Treecat was my rock in my darkest times....and I shall miss her
dearly....her sudden PM with a "HI hon, how you doing now?" will be
forever missed....
Treecat...thank you for all you did for me....keep the boys in
line up there, and give them a HUG from me ok? Love ya sweet lady!
to each and every one of you here tonight..I thank you from the
bottom of my tired old heart....its a great show of love for a
fantastic lady we all loved....and remember...give HUGS today for NO
regrets tomorrow!
<cheshcat> what a great turnout ... thank you all
treecat was my second longest surviving chat friend on this
we weren't as close as I mi8ght have liked, given my admiration
for her, but ... she was alway s atrue, honest, caring, faithful friend
and I loved her for that
I will miss her ... I should say more, I wish I could say more,
but ... I seem to be speechless
NOL ... get me off stage
<Bambi> hi
i had the great pleasure to meet treecat in person and she is/was
and always will be one of the sweetest people i have ever met... if
there was anything i could change about our meeting in real life
it would be me not hugging treecat and willco with such gusto ...
i got treecat in the face with my hand ;/ ...Thank God she wasnt
hurt ....and we had some good laughs about it.... she was always there
for me as a shoulder to cry on when my life took me down roads to hard
to go alone... it was a honor to meet her in person and i wish we
could have spent more time together
* Bambi carefully gives treecat a hug
<Donna518> well, i talked myself out of coming several times but
talked myself back into it
i don't do memorial services well but treecat was a special lady
to me
I am here to celebrate Treecat's life. There can be no mourning
when you talk about her. She was one of the most compassionate
and caring people whom I will ever have had the pleasure to have
known. She brought smiles to everyone. She always had a warm
encouraging word and a terrific sense of humor. Shine on, Treecat, you
have made a great difference in many people's lives. When I peek
up at the sky, I am sure I will see you there twinkling.
thanks, NOLady
<Ket> Hi :)
When I came to Irc about a year and a half ago
It was the first time for me on a computer and my typing skills
were challenged
I sit here with a great sense of loss
all I did was took from Treecat
She help me so much along with others
and since I have been so busy "doing my thing"
I didn't take the time to get to know her better
It's certainly my loss
I'm very grateful to her
and for keeping it safe
many times
I have called Treecat to help out
and she was here
and had the strength to deal fairly with the situation
It's truley my loss
that I didn't take the time
I'm just very grateful to her and all her work
God Bless Tree
<carebear> hi everyone
im a little bit nervous here i don't deal with these kind of
things to well
i wanted to be here in memory of treecat as i can see she ment so
much to each and every one of us
i have been coming online since 99 and she was very helpful every
time i came in here
no matter what the question was
and of course all of u are very helpful
now i recently started coming in here this past month on a daily
talking to treecat alot helping me alot it was a frustrating
situation and she was very calm and patient through everything
and it really helped me to stay calm too
it was like there was something about her can't explaing it, but
everyone here has been explaining it for me saying all these warm kind
loving things about her
i only got to know her better recently and i just added her to my
address book
and it is difficult when going through it to see her name there
and can't email her just to say hello
just in that short period of time she touched me knowing there is
someone out there that cares in the way she does
i think it is possible even at a time like this to learn from
someone like this we can be better people at least for me,
hurts to see people go but amazing when they leave behind
i appreciate u letting me share and very grateful for that chance
to meet treecat and briefly get to know her b4 her time was to go
thank you done
<Poliwogg> I didn’t know treecat, except for a hello and a hug
when we happened upon the same channel. I feel for all of you who
loved her and grieve the loss of her in your daily lives. I would
like to share this poem with you in hopes it will bring you some
The Next Room
Death is nothing at all.. I have only slipped away into the next
room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each
other, that we still are.
Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you
always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of
solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed
together. Pray, smile, think of me – let my name be ever the household
word that it always was, let it be spoken without effect, without the
trace of a shadow on it.
Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was,
there is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am
waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the
corner. All is well.
Canon Henry Scott Holland.
God Bless you all....
<breeze> hi everyone
Well where to start
Treecat and I were friends for 32 years
we had a closeness that was incredible
we could see each other every day or once a year and always pick
up where we left off
she helped me through some very rough times also and I with her
as well
I even lived with her and her kids for a while
I grieved with her over the loss of her son, I loved him as my own
I was so happy I went down the end of August and took her out to
dinner....spur of the moment
and when we parted after a lovely dinner at the Loon I said to
her Well be seeing you I LOVE you and she said I you too
That is the only thing that is getting me through all this
And today as I did my obstacle course on my horse I was talking
to her all the way through saying be with me and talk to Tana and help
her do this. And everytime I did Tana did
I know she was out there with me helping me ride my horse threw
fire and not going ballistic at the things she did.
We were old riding buddies, she was the first friend I made when
I moved to Prince George. We were single moms together
We both went through a lot of Stuff and always supported each
other. I will never pass thru Williams Lake the same again.
My eyes are blurry, so I will end this now.
<NOLady> thank you so much breeze
<NOLady> *hugs* new friend
<Makk> *Hugs* breeze
<breeze> She was so excited when her friends came to see her
<breeze> her online friends
<Kobra> Just came to offer my condolensces. Treecat always
treated me wonderfully, and always showed that she had class. My
prayers are with her family at this time of great loss. <--Could you
post this for me?
<riverdew34> I was offline for over a year. I came back
online to hear the tragic news about our treecat.
I came back in part to get the support and love from treecat that
I had grown accustomed to receive, unconditionally.
With all of the trying times in my life, I knew I was always
loved here. I knew I could count on tree to be the ever solid
rock I came to know
Unfortunately, I was late and now I miss those words I longed to
Treecat, please know that even though I wasn't here for over a
year, I knew you and others here loved me and were there if I would
just come back and ask for support.
Well, I am asking nor for support and I know that you will be
there for me even if it is from above.
Thank you for your love, support and kind words. You will
be greatly missed
<Bethy`> hi :)
I have known treecat for just a short while, but it feels like a
lifetime. I will forever treasure her friendship and her wisdom.
I just wanted to share this song by Point of Grace. It
reminds me of treecat and is so true. I will never forget treecat
(gender of a cat who lives in a tree!) There are so many things I could
say, but I will let this song be my words as I cannot seem to find any
so powerful.
"We were made to love and be loved... But the price this world
demands will cost you far too much... I spent so many lonely years just
trying to fit in... Now I've found a place in this circle of friends...
"In a circle of friends we share this prayer.. That every
orphaned soul will know... And all will enter in... To the shelter of
this circle of friends...
"If you weep, I will weep with you... If you sing for joy the
rest of us will lift our voices too... But no matter what you feel
inside there's no need to pretend... That's the way it is in this
circle of friends...
"Among the nations, tribes and tongues we have sisters and
brothers... And when we meet in heaven we will recognize each
other... With joy so deep and love so sweet... Oh we'll celebrate
these friends... And a life that never ends...
"We share this prayer... That it will not be long before all will
enter in... To the shelter of this circle of friends"
I will forever miss you treecat. I WILL see you again!
Thanks for always being here and for welcoming so many of us to your
shelter and your circle. I love you my friend. ~Bethy
<NOLady> does anyone else have anything else before we move to
pasting from others?
<NOLady> only two and a half hours of nonstop love?
<NOLady> :)
<NOLady> Amazing, you have an email to paste for us?
<Amazing> yes
<Amazing> but first i have something to paste...
<MikeChat> It is difficult for us, for now the burden is on
us with one less pair of shoulders to bear the weight of living. Though
we are saddened by the passing of one we love, we must remember that it
is only for now.
<MikeChat> All too soon we will also lay down our share of
the burden, gladly or not, the choice of when is not ours.
<MikeChat> I think Treecat would want us to do our best to
love, and show our love to each other, in deeds as well as in words.
<MikeChat> With words and with deeds, it is not really how
many but how well done. Treecat has done well with both, quite well
<Amazing> this email is from Webby/Weblette..
<Webby> "I first met Wilna on Undernet in my old channel,
She, along with Amazing and Itsy are among my oldest friends on
When I last chatted with Wilna a few days before she left us, of
course it never crossed my mind that it would be the last time I'd see
I still have a difficult time believing that she won't be here to
visit with.
Wilna and I shared a love for cats, which I'm sure many others
shared with her as well.
When I had to give up one of my cats in 1996 which broke my
heart, she offered to take her if I couldn't find a home for her.
I did find a home for her, but I've never forgotten that because
I knew that no matter what, my Munchie would have a good home.
Wilna's heart was generous, she was someone who gave so much, and
in turn, she was loved dearly.
She had a wicked sense of humour, she was a good listener when
you needed an ear, she was fun to be around and she was truly a dear
I am proud to have known Wilna and have been even just a small
part of her life.
I will miss her truly, but will never forget her.
Her legacy lives on in all those whose lives she touched, one of
which is mine.
I sign off with a special hug I had for Wilna:
=(^;^)=*hugs*=(^;^)=<< treecat >>=(^;^)=*hugs*=(^;^)=
Love, Webby (aka Tami)"
<NOLady> thank you Amazing
<NOLady> is that all the pastes you have?
<Amazing> yes
<NOLady> i have a few pastes from folks
<NOLady> i'm gonna just let them play slowly
<NOLady> lest i miss some of the heartfelt words they shared
<speedy> We like many others did not have the pleasure to meet
Treecat, However this is someone that truly touched many lives and our
condolences go out to all of you in your loss. May God bless all of
you!! From Daz and Speedy.
<NOLady> Bits and Pieces
People: People important to you, people unimportant to you,
cross your life, touch it with love, and carelessness, and move
on. There are people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of
relief and wonder why people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of
remorse and wonder why they had to go away and leave such a gaping
hole. Children leave parents; friends leave friends.
Acquaintances move on. People change homes. People grow
apart. Enemies hate and move on. Friends love and move on.
Think on the many who have moved into your hazy memory. You look
on those present and wonder.
I believe in God's master plan. He moves people in and out
of each other's lives, and each leaves their mark on the other.
You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who ever touched
your life, and you are more because of it and you would be less if they
had not touched you.
Pray to God that you accept the bits and pieces in humility and
Bits and pieces
<DJwah8> I am still what all of y'all call a newbie still even
though I have been on for a couple years.....jsut not a whole
lot. I first got to meet treecat when my dad, whom some of y'all
knew as Bus, siged me up so we could communicate easier since he was
always on. She always always there to help me put him in his
place when he got a "little too big for his britches" and took fun in
helping me do so. Then after Bus passed away last year
about this time, she was always there with her warm greetings and
comforting words for me and my family whenever I logged on, no matter
how long it was after he had passed.
I take this time to extend my heartfelt condolances to her family and
her extended family, which by this showing was very large and very
tight knit. May God watch over you and show you nothing but
peace. And please keep Bus in line for me until we can all meet
again. God Bless
<obiwan> TreeCat, I cannot help but to know that a loving God has
opened His arms and welcomed you to your reward just as surely as you
opened your heart and welcomed strangers such as myself into your
channel and into your life. You will be missed. Hugggggggggggggggs!
<Scotty> I extend my deepest sympathies to Tree’s family and all
those that loved and respected her... may she dwell with Jesus in peace
<^jaye> When I brought 50&Fantastic to starlink -- treecat
was always here for us. For the longest time I wasn't sure if treecat
was a he or a she, but that didn't matter. The consideration,
friendship, love, and caring was always there. I have to laugh a bit
though as I wonder (probably most of you know) just where the name
"treecat" originated? When a life is extinguished -- it is as though
sorrow comes over "our" world -- and then we remember -- to look o look
upward -- and see that new shining star! We love ya tree!! ^jaye
<Radek_cz> Treecat was a good friend and a patient and willing
teacher to all who needed her help and I will miss her very much.
Dearest Treecat was my first ever net friend when i
started chatting on the net back in 1997 (still had
dial-up). Her and Critter (in #Crittercat) were both
very kind to me and shown me the ropes and kept me a
good boy. I can see how she has touched so many
people. I'm sorry I haven't been back there in years
but i could never forget the kindness of Treecat and
the whole room. Thanks Tree!
<NOLady> from trails...
It was and honor and pleasure to chat to treecat...
made my mornings so bright,I found we had lots in common.
I looked forward with anticipation to our pun sessions me and
furr and tree,and the tunes would fly laughter would bellow thank god
there isnt a hall monitor here to tell us to shut up..well not that tree
would have listen to it anyways.hehehe,I also know that tree had
a very helpful nature a trait I hope we all got from her,she made
chatting yes,fun,but most of all made it a great experience showed us
all how fun and loveing and careing a chat family can be she was
without a doubt the epitomy of what a ircop can and should be,well Ill
close now for I know there are tons of people here to air there
memorial words for our beloved treecat
<NOLady> thank you for coming, all of you, to celebrate a life
that was and is so precious to us
we so appreciate you being here to grieve with us
and to fondly remember so many wonderful things
about such a wonderful friend
thank you for letting us all glimpse new views of treecat
as she touched so many lives
it has blessed us all, as she did
<Wullie> I'm pretty sure that the US Marines at heavens
gate will give tree a pass
* NOLady looking to heaven... See you tomorrow, treecat... I love you...
<NOLady> yes, Wullie, for certain
<NOLady> :)
<BEING> :->
<NOLady> Amazing has an announcement
<BEING> Aloha treecat
<NOLady> so many have asked could they send in gifts, donations
<Momma> havent cried like this since my billy left
me............another thanks to Treecat.............
<Momma> God Bless that woman......even in death she makes my
world continue to turn
A plant arrangement, from StarLink-IRC was sent to the service
for treecat
A picture of it is on the webpage at www.starlink-irc.org/treecat
Also, tree's friends in Williams Lake have come up with a
wonderful idea as
a memorial. treecat LOVED horses and really liked going to the
Williams Lake Stampede,
so any donations received will be sent to Williams Lake for a
'memorial bench,
which will have a plaque that reads 'In Memory of Wilna
Wellenbrink ( treecat )'and
a little kitty on the plaque too. It will be on a path
overlooking the stampede/rodeo grounds.
If anyone wishes to donate towards the cost of the arrangement
and the bench, send me
an email at mar@pobox.com and i will email you back with my real
name and address.
thank you all so very much for this wonderful service!
<^jaye> may we each walk in love and harmony and remember how
precious life truly is!!
<Momma> Momma heads to website with credit card in hand
<Donna518> thanks to everyone for such a beautiful tribute to
<owlstar> .
<Itsy> thanks to everyone
* alicat writes down email addy and plans to write mazie:)
<alicat> and tyall for letting me be here..what a beautiful
<andrew> thank you all for coming, tree would appreciate it very
<Itsy> the page willl always be on the SLIRC site at
<NOLady> we hope to have a comprehensive memorial for treecat
<Momma> a fine tribute to a fine lady!
<NOLady> which will include this log
<Makk> thanks everyone.. this is awesome outpouring of love for
tree :)
<NOLady> when that is available we will let you know
<Wullie> I think tree would be suprised
<NOLady> please sign up for the general mailing list or
newsletter so you won't miss it
<LindyM> (((((((((((((((All SLICR Staff))))))))))))))))))
* speedy imagines Amazing Grace playing on the bagpipes
<Ket> can we end with the Peace Prayer?
Lord, make me a channel of Thy
..... that where there is hatred, I may bring
..... that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of
..... that where there is discord, I may bring
..... that where there is error, I may bring
that where there is doubt, I may bring
..... that where there is despair, I may bring
..... that where there are shadows, I may bring
..... that where there is sadness, I may bring
..... God, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be
..... to understand, than to be
..... to love, than to be
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
..... It is by forgiving that one is
..... It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal
<Wullie> this #Townhall meeting has to hold the record for
chatters in the room
<Babalou> This has been a lovely memorial for Tree, thanks for
all your hard work and for sharing with us.
<owlstar> shows how many liked and loved her, even those like me
who did not often speak with her
<Babalou> goodnight all and thanks again
<sakalis> owl talked with treecat a lot, actually
<owlstar> she even hooted back at me
<Wullie> after A Marine's funeral we say Carry on! so go
and Carry on
in love
take a minute to read "Friends Without Faces" again
<scorp> nite all and thanks to all the staff for a wonderful
memorial service :)
<Makk> *hugs* Scorp ty for all you've done this week
<scorp> yw
<scorp> niters
<Makk> niters :)
<Bambi> night treecat ...
<breeze> thanks for going to Williams Lake and being there for me
Amazing and Scorp
<Amazing> i HAD to be there breeze...and was so comforting having
you with us :)
<Amazing> does anyone else wish to say anything?
<sakalis> just that i knew her briefly
and she always livened up my day
owl was the first to go to her for help with ops
and they became fast friends
when i first chatted with her, it was like i always knew her
wonderful lady
i will miss her
<Amazing> thank you for those kind words sakalis :)
<sakalis> my pleasure, entirely
<Amazing> anyone else?
<marbsround> thanks for a beautiful memorial
service i am sorry did not know treecat but got to know her
<Amazing> :)
<marbsround> :)
<Makk> :)
<Wullie> Wilna was special
<marbsround> i can tell
<breeze> one of a kind
<marbsround> i heard lots ofowonderful things
<marbsround> and if i were ever in trouble she would help
<Wullie> only the truth as the various people said
<breeze> she sure did
<marbsround> yep is the truth
<Makk> would you like to say something for tree's memorial Rick?
<RickB> Yes just something brief
It was only days ago that I was here working on some things
just hanging out in #channels...
and treecat was there
always good for a pleasant hello
"lightning struck tree, cat removed" was my favorite quit message
just reminds me to work harder to pay attention to today and what
really matters
she will be missed
that's all
thank you Rick *hugs*
[00:18:23] <Amazing> katje...would you like to share something
<katje> was just going to say this
i saw in window of starlink..
about treecat passing..
and i tend to be a curious one..lol
trying to learn more about mirc too
and so i followed a few links on my own
i can only say..
that it is truly a tribute..
she obviously was a lady well loved by many..
i saw pages and pages..
on websites
owned by many..
poems written..
thoughts and tributes posted..
i will tell you that i had tears in eyes
and it has touched me deeply..
the work yall put into this
and the love shown
alone tells me how special she was
the loss of a loved one is always hard..
unexpected can be most hard...
i lost my dad unexpectedly not so long ago...
and while reading stuff on treecat my heart went out to her family..
each of you will be blessed and loved for this rememberance
love you all
<Amazing> thank you katje :)
<Wullie> thankyou katje, we loved her
<CharlesR> goodnight all, i didnt really know treecat, now i know
what i missed
<Amazing> nite CharlesR :)
<RickB> Makk, I think someone may want to step in
<RickB> it's Cathy, she'll be right here
<Cathy> Treecat was a wonderfully friendly and trully helpful
person, I will miss her dearly.
<Cathy> that's it.
<Makk> ok :)
] * RickB nods and smiles
<Makk> thanks Cathy :)
Session Close: Mon Sep 26 01:20:37 2005
Email received next day after memorial ... Thanks Tex!
Below is my sentiments. For the time that I was on SLIRC I was known as
tex. I doubt that many people will remember me, but I would like to
think that at least someone will. While I may have been a pain in
Itsy's ass most of the time, annoyed Amazing to no end, and probably
caused just as much grief for Sinbad and chiefy, I honestly can say
that I wouldn't have turned out into half the man I am today had it not
been for the friends I made on SLIRC, and I can't help but think had it
not been for a kind word from Treecat on many, many occasions I
probably would have not been allowed nearly the time that I was with
these people.
I greatly regret that I could not make the online memorial, but it is
somewhat eerie that while I haven't checked on SLIRC in a number of
years I did manage to do it in time to out about her passing, and
hopefully in time for this message to have some meaning. I am sure that
this has been said by a number of people, but I can't help but think
that I would have liked to spend more time with her than I did, but it
was no one's fault but my own that I didn't.
Unfortunately, I was unable to connect to SLIRC through a proper client
and I had a some problems with the Java client on your site that
prevented me from having a chance to voice my self on this matter.
I hope that everyone can find the closure that they need, as I had not
spoke with her for the better part 4-5 years and I can still feel the
effects of her passing. I offer my condolences to all her friends, and
especially to her family.
I truly believe that the time that I spent on SLIRC was never wasted
because of the people that were always there. Treecat stands out in my
many memories of SLIRC, and I will truly miss her. I feel grateful for
the time that I spent chatting with her, and the kind words that she
always had to offer. I feel that she made a difference in my life and
the lives of so many others in the time that she spent with us. I only
wish that I could have spent more time with her. You never truly know
what your missing until it can no longer be had.
tex / [razer]
Sleep in peace forever dear treecat
We love you dearly and evermore.
StarLink-IRC - your friends without faces
September 25, 2005