October 1999
"All the news that fits, we print"

STARLINK-IRC NEWS begins its third year with this issue!

Vol 3, Issue 1
StarLink-IRC Newsletter
Published Occasionally
Oct 1999

StarLink-IRC Network - Your family friendly cybertown!
Editor-in-Chief - lois
Chief Reporter - Deano
New Stars by treecat
Event Reviews by Amazing
Fogweb Follies by Itsy
and get your own copy every month!
Next Issue Deadline
15th of the Month!
Back Issues

Send any news items to
Send any gossip or other dirt to the same place.

NET NEWS Amazing

A reminder for all who have webpages. Don't forget you can join the webring by going to or can ask questions concerning it in #WebRing :)

A reminder to all channel owners: If you happen to change ISP's or have a change of email address please let someone in #channels know. If for any reason cservice needs to get in touch with you in regards to your channel we need a valid email address. You can also let cservice know by sending an email to

by lois
  • 20 Bela Lugosi's Birthday
  • 20 SLIRC News 2nd Birthday (Migosh, who talked me into this? Lois)
  • 24 Mother-in-Law Day
  • 30 9:30 PM #Townhall Halloween Colors Show
  • 31 Daylight Saving (Set your clocks)
  • 31 Halloween (Take a Spook to Lunch)


  •  1 All Saints' Day
  •  2 Election Day
  • 11 Veterans' Day (Honor our Veterans)
  • September 25 Belated best wishes to Puriel of #ColorBook
  • No anniversaries to announce this time.
(If we do not have your birthday or anniversry date, let us know so we can celebrate with you. Tell us which channels you are on, please)
by Amazing

StarLink-IRC thanks the color_team for putting on a GREAT color show in #Townhall on Oct 10th. There were 50 users in the channel watching all the wonderful artwork!

StarLink-IRC has a few great game channels. There is #Trivia, #TriviaPro and a word scramble game held in none other than #scramble. As you enter each of these channels a message comes up asking for new puzzles or trivia questions and where to send them. If you have any that you would like added, please check out the email addresses in each of these channels and send them in. Don't forget about kids trivia in #KIDZCHAT as well!

A Halloween color show will be presented in #Townhall on Oct 30th at 9:30pm ET. TooShy and MikeChat will be showing us some of their wonderful Halloween artwork so tell all your friends and join us for the fun!!

Tell us about your channel - send info to
#gngrbrd wishes to remind everyone that coffee is served every morning at 6 AM EST. Come and start the day right!

Roadrunner who was formerly on #military channel has renamed it #spirit_cafe. He has been gone for some time but now is back. Stop in and say hi to him.
A message from Scorp: Just to let everyone know that Sun Oct 17/99 we are on our way to Yuma for the winter. I am so sad that I will have to leave my cable modem behind and go back to the dreaded phone line. For those of you who read my sad saga from last year you will remember that I also have limited time on the net. Oh least I have a puter and a phone line and am healthy enough to come south for the winter. Will see everyone again in a few days...bye for now scorp from #scorp's-Place.
LTNS Dept: Good to see BlueOnion, who came in to tell us that she is doing well, catching up on medical tests. And it's always great to see channel "oldtimers", and catch up on their news.
Gyrene is sending around pictures of his new grandson, while OldMan is sending around pictures of his new car. Speaking of cars, busterc has been spending a lot of time at the track where his cars and his son are doing well in dirt racing.
Birthday celebrations were held in #Townhall for Willco of #Norwich, and for Itsy of #Itsy, both CService Staff and IRC Ops. Food, drink and music was enjoyed by all, and many net users came in to wish them a happy birthday. Willco isnt talking, but Itsy says he is now waiting for his AARP card!
by lois and amazing

(Tell us what's happening on your channel - send info to newsletter@starlink-irc. org)

A short column of made-up facts and non-information brought to you by your friendly neighborhood arachnid
New Stars in our Link by Treecat
A warm welcome to this month's new channels and their owners.
If you have a chance, do stop in and give these folks a friendly Hi!
    #USS-Raven - Hawk
    #YounGuns - LilDude
    #TaskForce8 - Freak #Color_Team - MikeChat #Beulahland - Dish
    #Pirch_Color - `Aaron
    #Y2K4Teens - SweetRose
    #Pop_Art - Charmin^ #BrazilianAmigos - Moska
    #Gaia^s_Glen - Satomi #Tiki_Lounge - Kahuna
Places to go and things to look out for on the net

Email Facts Of Life:

1. Big companies don't do business via chain letter. Bill Gates is not giving you $1000, and Disney is not giving you a free vacation. There is no baby food company issuing class-action checks. You can relax; there is no need to pass it on "just in case it's true". Furthermore, just because someone said in the message, four generations back, that "we checked it out and it's legit", does not actually make it true.

2. There is no kidney theft ring in New Orleans. No one is waking up in a bathtub full of ice, even if a friend of a friend swears it happened to their cousin. If you are hellbent on believing the kidney-theft ring stories, please see:

And I quote: "The National Kidney Foundation has repeatedly issued requests for actual victims of organ thieves to come forward and tell their stories. None have. That's NONE, as in ZERO.

3. Neiman Marcus doesn't really sell a $200 cookie recipe. And even if they do, we all have it. And even if you don't, you can get a copy at: Then, if you make the recipe, decide the cookies are that awesome, feel free to pass the recipe on.

4. We all know all 500 ways to drive your roommates crazy, irritate co-workers, gross out bathroom stall neighbors and creep out people on an elevator. We also know exactly how many engineers, college students, Usenet posters and people from each and every world ethnicity it takes to change a lightbulb

5. Even if the latest NASA rocket disaster(s) DID contain plutonium that went to particulate over the eastern seaboard, do you REALLY think this information would reach the public via an AOL chain-letter?

6. There is no "Good Times" virus. In fact, you should never, ever, ever forward any email containing any virus warning unless you first confirm it at an actual site of an actual company that actually deals with virii. Try: And even then, don't forward it. We don't care!

7. If your CC: list is regularly longer than the actual content of your message, you're probably going to Hell.

8. If you're using Outlook, IE, or Netscape to write email, turn off the "HTML encoding." Those of us on Unix shells can't read it, and don't care enough to save the attachment and then view it with a web browser, since you're probably forwarding us a copy of the Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe anyway.

9. If you still absolutely MUST forward that 10th-generation message from a friend, at least have the decency to trim the eight miles of headers showing everyone else who's received it over the last 6 months. It sure wouldn't hurt to get rid of all the ">" that begin each line. Besides, if it has gone around that many times -- we've probably already seen it.

10.Craig Shergold in England is not dying of cancer or anything else at this time and would like everyone to stop sending him their business cards. He apparently is also no longer a "little boy" either.

by Amazing
KIDZ TRIVIA:9:00PM EST Saturdays in #KidzChat.
Hosted by maia, the weekly kids Trivial Pursuit game!
TRIVIA!!: Running all the time in #Trivia and #Trivia-Pro with a junior version in #Kidzchat
Hosted by NOLady, a weekly trivia game for the grown ups (18+)
OUTBURST: Occurs randomly (mostly Fridays) in #Just4Fun
Hosted by somebody, this is a fun and exciting game you have to try.

Regular Network Event Schedule
Note: All times are Eastern US

9:30 PM
Network Wide User Meeting **
9:00 PM
User Classes and Seminars
8:00 PM
9:30 PM
Fans of Old Time Radio
Network Wide User Meeting **
9:00 PM
Now and then. Outburst Game! Fun for All
9:00 PM
Kidz Only Trivia Nite!

Unpaid Advertisement

NET MEETINGS:9:30pm EST Sun/Thu in #TownHall
Hosted by Amazing, SL-IRC Net meetings are now held Sunday and Thursday nights, 9:30 ET in #TownHall. Everyone is invited to attend!
Unpaid Advertisement
#Townhall can be reserved for parties or meetings. Send an email to if you are interested in reserving the channel for an event. An email will be sent back, confirming the reservation. Put #townhall in the SUBJECT of the mail, and date, time and reason in the BODY.

Yet Another Unpaid Advertisement!. there has to be some way to make a buck here

Those who have moveed on
contributed poems, humor, and stories

In Honor of Veterans Day:

    JUST A SIMPLE SOLDIER Submitted by Deano

    He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast.
    And he sat around the Legion, telling stories of the past,
    of war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done.
    In his exploits with his buddies, they were heroes, everyone.
    And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke,
    all his buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke.
    But we'll hear his tales no longer, for old Bob has passed away.
    And the world's a little poorer, for a soldier died today.
    No, he won't be mourned by many, just his children and his wife.
    For he lived an ordinary, very quiet sort of life.
    He held a job and raised a family, quietly going on his way,
    And the world won't note his passing, 'tho a soldier died today.
    When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state,
    While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great.
    Papers tell of their life stories, from the time that they were young,
    But the passing of a soldier, goes unnoticed, and unsung.
    Is the greatest contribution, to the welfare of our land,
    Some jerk who breaks his promise and cons his fellow man?
    Or the ordinary fellow, who, in times of war and strife,
    Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life?
    The politician's stipend and the style in which he lives,
    Are sometimes disproportionate, to the services he gives.
    While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all,
    Is paid off with a medal, and perhaps a pension small.
    It's so easy to forget them, for it was so long ago,
    That our Bob's and Jim's and Johnny's, went to battle, but we know
    It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys,
    Who won for us the freedom, that our country now enjoys.
    Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand,
    Would you really want some cop-out, with his ever waffling stand?
    Or would you want a soldier, who has sworn to defend,
    His home, his kin, and country, and would fight until the end?
    He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin,
    But his presence should remind us, we may need his like again.
    For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part,
    Is to clean up the troubles, that the politicians start.
    If we cannot do him honor, while he's here to hear the praise,
    Then at least let's give him homage, at the ending of his days.
    Perhaps just a simple headline, in the paper that might say:

--unknown author

For Cat Lovers
Submitted by Amazing
  • Cataclysm: Earth tremor caused by cats stamping their feet around an empty food bowl
  • Catacomb: Fluffy's grooming aid
  • Catalyst: Written reminder of essentials to buy, like cat food, turkey, tuna
  • Catamaran: Anything a cat can pounce on to deliver her from the tub at bath time
  • Catapult: Special pounce that propels cats to the tops of bookcases and refrigerators
  • Catastrophe: Running out of kitty litter
  • Catechism: Kitty's prayer book
  • Caterwaul: Where tomcats gather to serenade the ladies
  • Catnip: Love bite from an exuberant feline
  • Catskills: feline talents
  • Catwalk: Cattitude in motion
  • Cat and Mouse: favorite computer game
  • Claws and effect: Kitty karma
  • Clawstrophobia: Fear of manicures
  • Furball: The main event on the feline social calendar
  • Furnish: To decorate carpet, couch and chairs by shedding hairs of opposite hue
  • Furtive: Cat in a seafood market
  • Hisstory: Account of a catfight
  • Litterature: Restroom reading matter
  • Mewseum: Institution that houses the works of great artists, like Pawcasso and Mirow
  • Mewspaper: Too depressing to read, but sanitary enough to shred for emergency litter box filler
  • Pawtucket: Explanation for the disappearance of any shiny object
  • Purrcentage: The lion's share
  • Purrchase: Game of tag
  • Purrcolate: Make coffee
  • Purrfume: The scent of a freshly washed kitty
  • Purrgatory: Where naughty cats go to be purrfected
  • Purrple: Cat's favorite color
    Purrsistence: The ability to wangle all the treats you want
  • Purrspective: The view from a sunny window
  • Pussibilities: Candidates for adoption
  • Pussport: Where you dock your catamaran Puss in Boots: Cat making a winter fashion statement
  • Trivial Pursuit: Chasing a gnat
  • Turkey trot: Race to the Thanksgiving table
  • Vowels: Scientists' name for meows
  • Wool: Smart cats pull this over their humans eyes all the time; some siamese also like to snack on it
  • Zen: The art of living contentedly in the present, this is the natural state of consciousness for cats and can be learned by contemplating your kitty

Nineteen Ways To Call Off Work:
Submitted by Brad
(1) If it's all the same to you I won't be coming in to work. The voices told me to clean all the guns today.
(2) When I got up this morning, I took two Ex-Lax in addition to my Prozac. I can't get off the john, but I feel good about it.
(3) I set half the clocks in my house ahead an hour and the other half back an hour Saturday and spent 18 hours in some kind of space-time continuum loop, reliving Sunday (right up until the explosion). I was able to exit the loop only by reversing the polarity of the power source exactly e*log(pi) of the clocks in the house while simultaneously rapping my dog on the snout with a rolled up Times. Accordingly, I will be in late, or early.
(4) My stigmata's acting up.
(5) I can't come in to work today because I'll be stalking my previous boss, who fired me for not showing up for work. OK?
(6) I have a rare case of 48-hour projectile leprosy, but I know we have that deadline to meet....
(7) I am stuck in the blood pressure machine down at the Food Giant.
(8) Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and, hey, how about them Skins, huh? So, I won't be able to, yes, could I help you? No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thanks for calling.
(9) Constipation has made me a walking time bomb.
(10) I just found out that I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false information. (
11) The psychiatrist said it was an excellent session. He even gave me this jaw restraint so I won't bite things when I am startled.
(12)The dog ate my car keys. We're going to hitchhike to the vet. (13) I prefer to remain an enigma.
(14) My Stepmother has come back as one of the Undead and we must track her to her coffin to drive a stake through her heart and give her eternal peace. One day should do it.
(15) I can't come to work today because the EPA has determined that my house is completely surrounded by wetlands and I have to arrange for helicopter transportation.
(16) I am converting my calendar from Julian to Gregorian.
(17) I am extremely sensitive to a rise in the interest rates. (18) I refuse to travel to my job until there is a commuter tax. I insist on paying my fair share.
(19) I've used up all my sick I'm calling in dead.


10. The monitor is up on blocks.
9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.
8. The six front keys have rotted out.
7. The extra RAM slots have Dodge truck parts installed in them.
6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.
5. The password is "Bubba".
4. The CPU has a gun rack mount.
3. There is a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.
2. The keyboard is camouflaged.
...And, The Number One Way To Tell If A Redneck Has Been Working On A Computer...
1. The mouse is referred to as a "critter".

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscribe now -- FREE! -- to the SLIRC Newsletter. Send email to

In the message body put:

SUBSCRIBE slirc-mail <yourEmail> yourIRCnick

For Example:

    SUBSCRIBE slirc-mail <> Itsy

Please note, you MUST put angle brackets < > around your email address as shown. If you need help, or wonder if you have already subscribed, contact Sinbad in #channels. Click here for more information on our other mailing lists.

BACK ISSUES: Last month's back issue is here.

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Copyright 1999 All Rights Reserved.